
Impact of COVID-19 on Intimate Partner Violence

October 2, 2023

亲密伴侣暴力(IPV)在美国是一个紧迫而普遍的公共卫生问题. There are many different definitions for IPV, 但一般来说,它包括现任或前任亲密伴侣的身体和/或情感虐待行为, dating partner, or spouse. IPV impacts persons of all ages, races, ethnicities, socioeconomic classes, religions, cultures, genders and gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, and physical, mental, and emotional abilities. According to a report on the 全国亲密伴侣和性暴力调查(NISVS) (PDF) 来自美国疾病控制与预防中心, 47%的女性和44%的男性在其一生中经历过IPV. However, the prevalence of IPV is disproportionately higher among low-income; Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC); immigrant; and sexual and gender minority populations.

对经历IPV的人来说,后果可能是严重和虚弱的,包括身体伤害, mental health challenges (anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD]), increased risk of substance use, increased risk of chronic disease, and even death. Data from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Patterns & Trends (PDF) 报告显示,五分之一的凶杀案受害者是被亲密伴侣杀害的. Furthermore, there are collective costs to society, 因为IPV还会因错过工作天数而造成重大经济损失, medical bills, and criminal justice fees. 这些个人和集体成本要求在公共卫生研究和实践中更加优先考虑这一问题.

IPV Changes During COVID-19

IPV患病率随着COVID-19的发病而恶化, 特别是在全国范围的封锁和对社会制度的影响下. According to a report from UN Women, 这种暴力流行的增加现在通常被称为“shadow pandemic (PDF).” During lockdown, 许多已经经历过IPV的人感觉被困在家里与伴侣在一起, 离开家的选择有限,无法联系到他们信任的人或可能注意到警告信号的人. 一些人报告说,他们无法使用热线电话或数字资源,因为他们的伴侣可以在他们躲在原地时监视他们的通信. Furthermore, 由于保持社交距离的要求,家庭暴力庇护所的运营能力有所下降,或者全部关闭. 公共卫生资源和人员从预防和应对IPV转向应对COVID-19. These individual, interpersonal, community, 社会层面的障碍既增加了暴力的机会,也使遭受暴力的个人更难获得帮助.

政府项目在领导国家公共卫生应对IPV方面发挥着重要作用. Through examination of the current literature, 努力将研究转化为循证实践, and further work to close research gaps, 美国可以针对IPV建立更强有力和更有效的公共卫生应对措施.

What 趣赢平台 Is Doing

趣赢平台 has an extensive history of supporting federal, state, 和当地合作伙伴一起努力更好地了解和解决全国IPV问题. Most recently, 趣赢平台与CDC合作修改NISVS,以提高总体反应和合作率. 韦斯特修改了网络和纸张使用的自我管理调查,并用英语和西班牙语进行了认知访谈, with additional feasibility testing of the survey. 这导致订正了数据收集方法, a pilot test of the new methods, 以及最终报告,并提出实施一项全国性研究的建议.

As October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, 它为所有人提供了一个很好的机会来了解这个问题,并通过分享他们可以使用的资源来帮助那些可能经历IPV的人.


Contributed by 趣赢平台 expert Mica Astion, MS, a Senior Public Health Researcher, Clinical Research and Isa Weiss, a summer intern, Public Health.


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